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Area51 posted:

Hi does any one know how many c5 there are left
At the rate they are being Brocken up there can't
Be that many is there?
What do you think
posted on: 30/07/2013 20:25:14

Dan posted:

Hi does any one know how many c5 there are left
At the rate they are being Brocken up there can't
Be that many is there?
What do you think

I don't think anyone knows the answer to that

There's probably thousands still out there in storage from the 80's but I think in a few years time the number appearing for sale, in their original state will decrease dramatically.

It's unfortunate but as certain parts of the C5 break (gearbox, motor, pod etc) its sometimes necessary to buy a c5 for it's parts, and if those parts help others get theirs on the road...
posted on: 31/07/2013 06:11:49

Guest posted:

Hi does any one know how many c5 there are left
At the rate they are being Brocken up there can't
Be that many is there?
What do you think

Some folk will rebuild and restore the shells, other shells will end up as other projects with different drive methods... unless its one of mine as I have a plant pot and the other goes on my roof with a Santa sat in for my Christmas decoration
posted on: 31/07/2013 16:45:39

dave posted:

I new about the plant pot but not about the santa 1 lol great idea lol
posted on: 31/07/2013 20:05:56

Area51 posted:

I will look out for it lol
posted on: 31/07/2013 20:52:31

dave posted:

Marra wot about the other 3 ?
posted on: 31/07/2013 20:59:59