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tors2704 posted:


I'm considering selling my C5 and am wanting to find out some information on how early in the production run it may have been. The serial number is V100050201189.

I am not an expert by any means but assume that, the earlier the model/lower the serial number, the more it may be worth. Would this be considered to be an early model?

I'm attempting to put a picture of it on here if this helps.

Any information is appreciated, including what you think it may be worth with all of the boxed accessories (has not been tested - been in storage for about 18 years but is in good cosmetic condition and worked perfectly when entering storage).

posted on: 04/08/2013 15:56:20

Dan posted:

Hi and welcome to the forum!

To answer your main question about the serial number, V100050201189.

This is how you break it down: V1000 5 02 01189
The 5 indicates the year 1985
The following 2 digits are the month, February
And the final 5 digits indicate the number produced that month, so yours is the 1189th to come off the production line in Feb 1985.

The earliest I've seen is from Dec 1984.  I wouldn't consider it to be a very early model, but it is reasonably early as it has the Grey boot rather than the later White ones.

A similar working one with boxed indicators, mirrors, horn, mud flaps, side panels, original documentation recently sold on ebay for about £500 in Hampshire.  Can you list what accessories you have? I can see indicators, mirrors, horn?

Location also affects the value, as C5s need to be collected in person.
posted on: 04/08/2013 16:37:07

tors2704 posted:

Thanks so much for this. Accessories are indicators, wing mirrors, boot and boot key, tools, horn, all wheel trims, and battery charger (am not sure what the item with a keyhole nearest to the front of the photo is - if you know, please let me know!). There are 2 sets of indicators but only one box (unsure whether there is a box missing or you just get both sets in one box). We never set up the accessories when my dad bought the Sinclair so they're pretty untouched. As I said, I'm debating selling it but, even if I decide to keep it, it'll be great to know a rough value for insurance purposes.

It's at my parents house at the mo and I've sent mum on a mission to look through the paperwork to see what's in there. Location: at present, West Wales, but can be taken to the Midlands if that makes it more likely to sell.

Thanks again
posted on: 04/08/2013 17:03:58

Dan posted:

[quote=tors2704;853]Thanks so much for this. Accessories are indicators, wing mirrors, boot and boot key, tools, horn, all wheel trims, and battery charger (am not sure what the item with a keyhole nearest to the front of the photo is - if you know, please let me know!).[/quote]

You're very welcome

The item with the keyhole is the key switch for starting the C5 up and should be connected to the thick Blue/Brown wires which should be in the left footwell, I'm a bit suprised that it has become detached from these wires for some reason

[quote=tors2704;853]Location: at present, West Wales, but can be taken to the Midlands if that makes it more likely to sell.[/quote]

Yep you'd get more interest if you advertised it as available from the Midlands
posted on: 04/08/2013 18:41:54

tors2704 posted:

Thanks again - I'm not sure why the wires have been disconnected - probably my dad's idea!

I'll move it across to the Midlands if I decide to sell.

The pack of paperwork I had was things like fitting instructions for the mirrors, replacement parts guide and list/price guide, C5 tips and a guide to safe driving in the C5.

Out of curiosity, if anyone is interested, I'm open to being approached with offers to make my decision easier

posted on: 04/08/2013 19:03:52

Dan posted:

I'm sure you'll get some offers.  I've posted it on our Twitter feed to help you along I would make an offer myself but it's a bit too far for me.

Good luck if you do decide to sell, it's one clean, nice looking C5
posted on: 04/08/2013 19:21:20

tors2704 posted:

Many thanks
posted on: 04/08/2013 19:54:32

dave posted:

Give him an offer dan I'll store it for you
posted on: 05/08/2013 19:48:06

dave posted:

If I was you id keep the little gold mine you have there wish it was mine if you sell split in up get more money that way
posted on: 05/08/2013 19:55:30

tors2704 posted:

Hi Dave

Thanks for the tip. I've just sold it though but am happy with what I got for it. It's difficult to hang onto as my folks are moving and storage would've been a problem.

If rather someone got enjoyment out of it than it just sit there gathering dust

posted on: 05/08/2013 20:09:42

dave posted:

Can I ask who got them ?
posted on: 05/08/2013 20:27:08