Hi there,
as temperature rises and no rain i was able to work on my C5

Frame is cleaned and painted with special-sea-container paint (drying takes two month

), mike-sanders grease is filled in

, disk brakes are mounted

and now started the wirering

then i made a mistake, . . . [blush]
everything works right at home

so i started to mount it to the C5, . . .
indicators: working
hazard: working
horn: working
aux-light: working
motor temperature: working
fan: working
then i want to connect the lights, . . .
don´t really know what happend but now:
the left indicator has power at anytime (light on without flashing) when i turn the power for the "touch" on [blush]
no power anyway on the "light" connector at the board (light goes on if i put the cables to the left indicator connector) [blush]
if i switch to hazard the left indicator flashes opposite to the right one ( left-right-left-right-left, . . . . and stays lighty on all the time (brighter-darker-brighter-darker, . . .)
all the other parts work like they are made for, . . .
because i´m a dummy for electronic i was very proud that everything works (at home

hope that Dan have an idea, . . .
didnt know really were to look and what to do (hope it´s only a small part and easy to do, . . .
your crying Doc