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comPVter posted:

Ciao !
Since few days I'm the new owner of a nice Sinclair C5.

It's Dec '84, a two batteries model !
With a lot of accessories:
- horn
- mirrors
- indicators
- high-vis mast
- mud flaps

But I need a new cap for a rear wheel.

If you want to have a look at the tragicomic journey from UK to Italy,

It's a great addition to our retrocomputing club
isn't it ?

posted on: 25/08/2013 18:40:28

dave posted:

Welcome matey any questions just ask nice looking c5 you av there
posted on: 25/08/2013 19:08:18

Dan posted:

Hello and welcome to the forum!

That's a well documented journey to collect your C5, and the C5 itself is very neat and with all the accessories too you got a bargain

I like your collection of retro computers too, if you're ever back in the south of England I've got a couple of commodore PET's and old Sinclair computers hanging around in need of a home.

Enjoy yourself on the streets of Italy in the C5!
posted on: 25/08/2013 20:21:27

comPVter posted:

I'm preparing a quick review of my C5.
I have a problem concerning the alignment of the handle bar and the front wheel, it's a bit right pending....

posted on: 27/08/2013 20:48:52

Dan posted:

[quote=comPVter;987]I'm preparing a quick review of my C5.
I have a problem concerning the alignment of the handle bar and the front wheel, it's a bit right pending....


Could you just loosen the handlebar by undoing the bolt a little and tapping it so the wedge drops out underneath and, whilst holding the front wheel just gently straighten it out?
posted on: 29/08/2013 07:38:37

comPVter posted:

Yes !
Paul suggest me the same procedure, trough a video.
I'll do that tonight, and I'll report the result to you.

Many thanks for your help.

posted on: 29/08/2013 07:44:23

comPVter posted:

Super !!!!
Many thanks for your suggestions,
my C5 now is full working:

It's very, ...very fun !

posted on: 03/09/2013 13:02:21