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Dan posted:

Here are some of the Black caps for where the hi viz mast slots in.  The originals were rubber but these are plastic:

I haven't tried them out on the road yet but suspect that, like the originals, they will sooner or later work themselves loose and fall off.  Probably best for show only
posted on: 15/09/2013 07:31:16

C5mick posted:

Hi Dan
Pencil me in for 6 please.
posted on: 15/09/2013 09:20:50

dave posted:

Put me down for 2 sets plz dan
posted on: 15/09/2013 14:27:14

Dan posted:

[quote=dave;1102]Put me down for 2 sets plz dan

I'll put a set in your box, did you want one of those xpod containers?

[quote]Pencil me in for 6 please.

I'll get you a set of these plus one of the chain tensioner chassis clips sent out to you to evaluate. If they work okay I'll print some more.
posted on: 15/09/2013 17:44:59

dave posted:

Yes plz dan
posted on: 15/09/2013 17:56:20