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Doc Holliday posted:

because of salty wintertime here we have disconnected my C5. we found the frame had light rust on it and decided to clean and repaint it.
i thought about there´s maybe rust inside the frame and because of a test from the biggest oldtimer magazine here in germany (they did the test over many years) choose to fill the best body-cavity sealing in that is possible to do yourself.

it´s this:

i have an old electric chip pan to heat it up and use a hair dryer to warm the frame - so it can get everywhere

maybe the C5 last longer than me then, . . . .

bye doc
posted on: 04/12/2013 15:06:32

Dan posted:

Nice one Doc, thats something I should really do for mine.  I just cant bear having to pull it all apart again though
posted on: 07/12/2013 11:28:23

dave posted:

Electric chip pan ? Electric must be cheaper in germany mate I get told off for leaving the tv on lol
posted on: 07/12/2013 15:45:26

Doc Holliday posted:

an old one - destnation household trash but I saved it - good enough for those reasons
and cheaper than buy a new inductive one
posted on: 07/12/2013 22:26:18