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AndrewC posted:


Given that the original motor is only about 42% efficient, if I recall correctly, and the fact that I don't fancy a front wheel hub motor (due to possible torque/steering issues), has anybody found or tried a replacement higher efficiency than the original?

Needless to say I would like a bit more speed and better hill climbing ability from any such set up. Or maybe I have got it wrong and front wheel hub mounted motors are the way to go?

Yours as ever

posted on: 06/12/2013 11:43:02

Dan posted:

Hi Andrew,

Changing the motor to a more efficient one is way beyond me, all I've managed is the 24v conversion which is much better for hills but super inefficient I imagine.
posted on: 07/12/2013 11:33:55

dave posted:

You could always do one like marra's 36/72 conny if its power you want ? And a bit more speed
posted on: 07/12/2013 14:29:46