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Ray1 posted:

High, has anybody a spare clip to hold the switch to the motor case, or know where I can get one please?
As a last resort a clear, close-up photo of one and where it clips to the motor so I may be able to adapt something.
posted on: 18/01/2014 18:20:25

dave posted:

You mean the little clip that holds something that looks like peardrop if that's what you want I've got 1 just pm me your address you need anything else ?
posted on: 18/01/2014 18:54:32

dave posted:

Pm sent
posted on: 19/01/2014 17:49:40

Ray1 posted:

Clip has arrived safely thank you. Please let me know how much for clip plus P&P. Another example of the fantastic help from C5'ers on the forum.
posted on: 13/02/2014 15:22:33