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Doc Holliday posted:

looking for compete set with all parts needed
posted on: 17/05/2013 07:05:33

Dan posted:

I've havent got a set myself, theres a set on UK ebay at the moment, 2 auctions for the mirrors and brackets currently at £80. Though the glass on the right mirror looks a bit funny.

C5 mirrors usually go for quite a bit of money
posted on: 17/05/2013 08:00:00

dave posted:

I've not got a spare pair for sale got mine off marra you could message him he might have a spare set for sale ?
posted on: 17/05/2013 09:21:03

Doc Holliday posted:

Hi there,
thanks for answers.
Looks like the mirrors are a little expensive so I wait, . . .

They give the C5 a very nice stunning look , . . .
but as I read the funktion isn´t that what is expected ?

Hmm, . . . .

and other nice mirrors starts at 10 € . . .

or a rear-view-camera, . . .

posted on: 24/05/2013 09:26:28