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dave posted:

The 1 on the left is standard going to use as the touch c5.
The middle one is 24v good for playing with the traffic on the mean streets of hull .
The black one is waiting for turnips guts
posted on: 17/05/2013 13:19:20

dave posted:

The 1 on the left is standard going to use as the touch c5.
The middle one is 24v good for playing with the traffic on the mean streets of hull .
The black one is waiting for turnips guts

posted on: 17/05/2013 15:12:44

Dan posted:

A nice looking collection, especially the Black one. You'll have to post a video when it gets its upgrade of it doing 60mph in Hull traffic
posted on: 17/05/2013 17:43:07

dave posted:

Its fun keeping up with traffic on beverley high road and watching peoples faces as you pass them and the boots handy too you can get a 24 pack of larger in the boot only thing now there's a big police station just round the corner so I have to keep an eye out for the boys in blue
posted on: 18/05/2013 10:55:04