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tgreening posted:

hoping someone has seen and solved this before, not sure if its the control box or pod at fault, all the leds are perminantly on apart from the outer one on each side, i cant see anything obvious such as dry joints or incorrect wireing. i have seen posts with flashing leds being the chip in th CB but also worried it could be the ula, dont want to spend money buying bits i dont need... anyone got any idea's as i dont have spare pods or CB to swap for testing... thanks..

posted on: 09/04/2014 16:09:53

Dan posted:

Hi Tim,

If all the LED's are always on it may be the op amp chip (LM358) in the control box.  It may also be the pod ULA. Like I said on the facebook post if you want to post your pod down here I can plug it into my standard C5 and see if its the pod (ula) that's faulty or maybe someone locally can help?
posted on: 09/04/2014 19:23:00

tgreening posted:

Thanks dan, was just hopeing someone had had the problem and could give a difinitive answer. might be worth replacing the 358 first as it looks to only be about a quid, if it turns out not to be that then it would be good to take you up on your kind offer and send them over for testing. also thinking about trying something like the 24v touchscreen set up ive seen on here for the other one as it has no electrics anyway.
posted on: 09/04/2014 20:08:33