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steves posted:

Just getting c5 back on the road , need head light or any ideas for alternative ? Also boot lock missing
Thanks steve
posted on: 11/04/2014 21:03:49

Ray1 posted:

Replacing the boot lock with one for a locker, from eBay has been covered on the forum. Works fine.
posted on: 11/04/2014 21:47:40

steves posted:

Thanks Ray . Regards steve
posted on: 12/04/2014 18:12:44

Poze posted:


Someone i know called Mark has a really scruffy one for sale and a really mint one!
The mint one is £40 (not sure if inc post or not), but its worth it if you want a good one.

His email is [email protected] .

Email him if keen anyway.

Cheers, (otherwise monitor ebay, they tend to be about £30 for a fair one).
posted on: 15/04/2014 20:35:15

steves posted:

Thanks I will drop this chap a line.
Much appreciated steve
posted on: 16/04/2014 05:50:20

steves posted:

Thanks I will drop this chap a line.
Much appreciated steve
posted on: 16/04/2014 05:51:29