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kamztrad posted:

Hi there all, just a couple of pics of my latest C5 project - the pics show the 7 speed hub, I'm going to make it a 24v model:-

But can anyone spot the main difference in the other photo from a standard C5??

Guesses !?


posted on: 16/04/2014 18:20:14


Forks / front light ....Bye Chas
posted on: 16/04/2014 18:50:32

Area51 posted:

I do like the front light
posted on: 16/04/2014 18:57:24

kamztrad posted:

You're both right, a really powerful LED front light and a longer chassis means the wheelbase is now 100mm longer and the front is higher giving improved ground clearance - this allows me to pedal properly and extend my legs for more comfortable riding - the C5 wasn't designed for anyone 6 ft or more from what I can see!!

posted on: 16/04/2014 19:05:16