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F45CNC posted:

I just bought this weekend a new (old) C5, it has never been use and only stood in an show room for display.

even the small display works after all these years, it's great

The plastic is a bet dirty, do any have a good way to get the plast up a shine Again ??

There is no mirrors and indicators, is there some who know where to get it ??

posted on: 28/04/2014 21:06:16

Dan posted:

Hi and Welcome to the Website

Sounds like you have one in great condition.  For cleaning I use Cillit Bang, not sure what others use, but it usually does a good job of cleaning it.

As for mirrors and indicators the only place really is UK ebay.  You can use landrover indicators for the front indicators but back ones are a special shape so have to be C5 indicators.
posted on: 29/04/2014 07:40:42

dave posted:

posted on: 29/04/2014 16:24:59