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woody posted:

Tried connecting my c5 to battery but when I press the micro switch to get it going all I hear is a clicking noise from the rear. Have tried to get up a bit of speed first but no go. Is this motor or controller issue?
posted on: 05/05/2014 19:34:03

Dan posted:

[quote=woody;3189]Confused Confused Tried connecting my c5 to battery but when I press the micro switch to get it going all I hear is a clicking noise from the rear. Have tried to get up a bit of speed first but no go. Is this motor or controller issue?Confused [/quote]

Hi and welcome to the Website

It sounds like the clicking is coming from the relay which would suggest something is wrong with the motor, it may be seized up.  Have you tested the motor by connecting it directly to a battery?
posted on: 05/05/2014 19:38:50

dave posted:

Tap the motor with a hammer
posted on: 05/05/2014 19:41:26

Area51 posted:

It could be a bad contact on the brushes
Check the length and make sure they are free in the boxes
posted on: 05/05/2014 20:01:45

woody posted:

Thanks for all your suggestions will give them a go when I wheel it out the garage again. Don't think its had much use but would like to get it working. Keep u posted
posted on: 05/05/2014 20:49:03


Hi it does sound like the motor is at fault as it has been said it could be the brushes are stuck what you could do is to connect the motor direct to the battery and if it fails to start then it will be the brushes that are stuck you could spray some WD 40 down the tubes and then look down the tubes you will see some copper braiding that are connected to the brushers try and ease them up a little them push the back but be careful not to pull to hard as you may pull them off , after that try the motor again
Bye Chas
posted on: 05/05/2014 21:43:04