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DynaSpan posted:

Hi guys,

My name is Milan and I'm from the Netherlands. My father owns a Sinclair C5 and after it spent 20 years in the garage, we took it out last Saturday.

After some heavy cleaning, checking the electrics and finding a battery, we made a testdrive with it. It's a pretty nice thing :)

However, as you can see in the pictures, the C5 is damaged and the front has bent. Does someone know how we can get the front straight again?

My brother, sister and I are planning to restore the C5. I've read this article and I've ordered new lights. Here comes my second question: how can I replace the lightbulbs?


[img=]Sinclair C5[/img]
[img=]Sinclair C5[/img]

Thanks in advance!


(Sorry, English is not my native language)
posted on: 20/05/2014 10:37:01

Dan posted:

Hi and Welcome to the website

You have a nice looking C5.  The front being bent isn't a problem and can easily be straightened out by propping a suitable length of wood under it.  This is what I did for a c5 with a slight bend:

If you leave it like that for a few days it will be back to how it should be.
posted on: 20/05/2014 12:27:18

DynaSpan posted:

Thanks, I've tried your method and after a night is a lot more straight. Do you also know how to replace the lights?
posted on: 21/05/2014 08:35:24

rekooh99 posted:

Milan unscrew the whole back light the fitting is behind the fitting for the front light is directly behind the ligh move the black plastic box and you will see the wires and fitting push the bulbs in and refit.
posted on: 21/05/2014 09:26:21


Hi you may find that it maybe easer to locate the front light from underneath then by gently squeezing the fingers on the light and easing it out but be carful not to break them off
Bye Chas
posted on: 21/05/2014 12:11:45

DynaSpan posted:

Hi guys,

Thanks! I've replaced the reflector tape on both sides and scrub the scratches with some sandpaper. It looks way better now:

[img=]Sinclair C5[/img]

However, I can't replace the lights. The fitting is glued together with the transparant protection. Must I try to seperate both parts, or how can I do this?

[img=]Sinclair C5[/img]
[img=]Sinclair C5[/img]


posted on: 28/05/2014 12:23:40

andries.moss posted:

Hi Milan
You just need to pull of the black rubbers( with the cables coming through. Pull the rubber not the cables.)the lamp holder is held in by the rubber. Be careful though not to break the plastic.
Good luck
posted on: 28/05/2014 13:30:54

Dan posted:

Very nicely done
posted on: 28/05/2014 18:14:03

TyHawk posted:

My name is Ty Hawkins, English (for my sins), semi retired and settled in Heiloo, Noord Holland.

I have had a C5 for 4 months, this was purchased with a Sturmey Archer 3 speed and what proved to be an inadequate, ex-scooter throttle control.

Much work has been done, learning the hard way, of course! I actually gave-up on the Sinclair electrics and have now 'done my own thing'.

Chas has sold me a 'Gearbox metal insert', which is being installed, and rear disc brake assembly which is to be fitted next month.

Externally I have tried to be sympathetic to the original concept.

If you need local help, I may be able to assist.

I will soon introduce myself, (and the C5 of course,) to this sites' forum, with some in progress photos,

Met vriendelijk groet,
Ty Hawkins.
posted on: 02/06/2014 22:01:58