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jir posted:


I am looking to source some parts to ensure that our Museum's C5 keeps on running as it gets used regularly each week by visitors...

I am looking for prices for:

replacement chain.



C5 anorak and cover.

I have introduced the C5 with pics in the welcome part of the forum.


posted on: 27/05/2013 15:12:17

Dan posted:

Hi John,

Welcome to the forum I haven't got any parts for sale myself, but, for the chain, this mobile bike mechanic (he's helped me out with C5/bike stuff in the past) should be able to build you a chain long enough for the C5.

The mirrors, seat and anorak may be harder to find and they will be expensive.


posted on: 27/05/2013 15:49:10

dave posted:

Will you want side panels aswell ?
posted on: 27/05/2013 16:21:45