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Pedro posted:

Hi there,

It might come as a surprise but I've just bought myself a C5.
It's the V100051000310 (12V - 250W - 4100RPM)

It's a runner and it had a paint job about 10 years ago.
No extra's on this one, not even the decals!

After a small leg powered spin around the block I already was the talk of the town.

For the moment it's stored under a huge piece of plastic because of the weather

posted on: 20/08/2014 12:54:09

Area51 posted:

I havn't seen a name plate printed like that before
posted on: 20/08/2014 18:09:58

Dan posted:

Hi there and Welcome to the website Like Area51 said that number plate isn't an original, is the motor really 4100rpm? Should be 3300
posted on: 20/08/2014 19:44:18

Pedro posted:

@Area51 en Dan:
I guess the previous owner has put on a new number plate.
Normally there's a 'V' in front of the number.
Let's hope it isn't a ringer :-)
I haven't got time to check everything out, but I'll keep you posted!
posted on: 21/08/2014 07:09:23

Pedro posted:

Here are some pictures from my Belgian C5 to give you an idea about the condition:

posted on: 25/08/2014 15:50:38