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dave posted:

Hi all as anybody got a chain ring cover the 2 plastic bits that to the body for sale cheers
posted on: 06/06/2013 13:41:48

Dan posted:

Hi all as anybody got a chain ring cover the 2 plastic bits that to the body for sale cheers

You can have a set off one of my C5s if you want, I'll get some more when I get my next C5 that I break apart.

Part ex for that anorak maybe?
posted on: 06/06/2013 17:33:12

dave posted:

Lol do me a full wiring harness and its yours no fitting just wires with labels on ? And first dibs on a front light ?and indicators if you ever get any
posted on: 06/06/2013 17:47:28

Dan posted:

Lol do me a full wiring harness and its yours no fitting just wires with labels on ?

I've had it with wiring now, going to spend the next couple of weeks programming, it's much easier

And first dibs on a front light ?and indicators if you ever get any

Yeah if I get a spare. There's a front light on ebay finishing in about 30 minutes. If I get a set of indicators I'll be keeping them for my 24V C5.
posted on: 06/06/2013 18:54:28