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joggaeco posted:

My Name is Jogga, Hi to everyone having the most fun, riding their C5!

I landed in 2012 from 1986, my Sinclare C5 became a spaceship, a time travellers tale...

Click on link below to see a strangest C5 in history, it's been in the local Mayors show several years running, looks different each time...
posted on: 29/09/2014 23:45:55

joggaeco posted:

Place, Olympic village, london, event the local Mayors show 2014,
My Space Ship C5 is alive and evolves as needed.

This year it has grown wings, duel props, jet engine and it roars like one as well, and is still road legal.

Roar of my Space Ship C5 "turbine"

Hope you enjoyed it, feedback welcome.

posted on: 29/09/2014 23:58:11

dave posted:

Can you get anymore lights on it lol joking pic in the dark wod be fab
posted on: 05/10/2014 19:56:42