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divesknight posted:

To coincide with the 30th anniversary of the official launch of the Sinclair C5 on 10TH January 1985 we shall be scheduling a meet on Saturday 10th January 2015 at the national motor museum at Beaulieu.

They have a hard standing arena that the C5’s could be ridden on and gazebos.
I shall also bring along the C5 sculpture.

Prices would be £12.50 per adult and £7.50 per child (ages 5-17 inclusive) which would include entrance into the entire Beaulieu Attraction.

Please contact me if you are interested in attending and for further information.
posted on: 15/10/2014 16:31:12

C5mick posted:

Hi Ian
Is the Gaydon event now cancelled ??

Looking back in the the posts in c5alive started way back in July 2013 it seemed the majority where looking to go Gaydon, I am now wondering if there will be 2 events or one big one. I haven't heard if Gaydon has been cancelled but it seems to have gone a little quiet.

Could you please clarify the situation ??

Or could anyone else clarify the situation ??

posted on: 16/10/2014 09:00:09

divesknight posted:

Hi Mick,

I hadn't heard of any other events so this is something that I thought would be good and if any one else would like to go.
posted on: 16/10/2014 12:40:18

C5mick posted:

Hi Ian
See 25@30 in c5alive
posted on: 16/10/2014 15:20:10

divesknight posted:

Hi, Looked at the post you spoke of and if someone else woild like to another event thats great, we will still do Beaulieu, nowhere is going to be a perfect location for everybody.
posted on: 16/10/2014 15:32:20

C5mick posted:

As I have said before, it's a shame really that everyone can't get together in one place for 1 weekend for the 30th anniversary without going off and doing their own thing. But hey ho every day I live and learn.
posted on: 16/10/2014 20:12:19

C5mick posted:

Still bewildered as to who is doing the official sinclair C5 30th anniversary event, and most important of all where it will actually be.

Comments please
posted on: 16/10/2014 22:12:37