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julietvdb posted:

am looking to sell my Sinclair C5, bought brand new for me as a present, has done 2 miles. Bought in 2005/6.
full working order, everything original

kind regards

posted on: 01/12/2014 14:50:25

Simon middlehurst posted:

Hi I'm looking for a c5 for my disabled son he wears prosthetic leg so can't ride a bicycle so hoping to get him a C5 instead
Please can you send me details/price etc
Kind regards
Simon Middlehurst
posted on: 04/12/2014 00:17:26


Not sure if you know but you must be able to peddle the C5 unles you can get Some sort of a throttle fitted
Bye Chas
posted on: 04/12/2014 08:29:30

Simon middlehurst posted:

I thought only had to peddle if battery ran flat?
posted on: 04/12/2014 09:59:29


Hi Simon you have to peddle at get up to speed before you press the start button then as you approach a slight hill you would have to peddle to keep going ..If you are on the flat with no hills then you would be ok ..but it still needs to be assisted now and then
posted on: 04/12/2014 13:30:50

Ray1 posted:

I am in the situation where my right knee will not bend enough to let me pedal. I am fortunate in that if I take it carefully my C5 will start rolling without pedalling and without causing the belt to jump teeth.
In case needed I have fitted a single bike pedal toe strap to the left pedal so I can pedal to a degree, it may help your son?
posted on: 04/12/2014 15:44:43

dave posted:

Simon you could go down the rd of 24 v or 36 v my 36 v you don't need to peddle just a tho but not road legal
posted on: 04/12/2014 18:22:05


Dave is right but you could always do the same for 12 volt as it would still be legal
Bye Chas
posted on: 04/12/2014 22:20:18

dave posted:

I think another project coming chas ?
posted on: 04/12/2014 22:43:38

Simon middlehurst posted:

many thanks for comments..problem he has with a bike is at moment his prothetic has straight gate i.e. no knee..straight leg so can peddle bike unless we take off left peddle and have fixed wheel. ( he will get a knee joint in next couple of years) So if you have to peddle a C5 then the peddle may get in the way of his leg so wont work (unless he takes leg off) so sounds like would be same problem?..our other option is electric scooter for him to get to school etc?
many Thanks
posted on: 05/12/2014 10:37:56

Karl posted:


you didn't mention which leg is handicapped. If it's his left leg then the left hand crank can be removed with no problem, if it's right leg then you could cut off the crank from the pedal wheel. The first option is easy, but the second means that the body must be removed first, and this is a tedious task, before you can get to the crank set.

I don't think that just removing the pedal alone is a very good solution as the crank will still rotate with the possibility of catching in his clothing or knocking against his prosthesis leg. The C5 is a bit cramped in this region.

If the problem is with his right leg and you do decide to go ahead I'm sure that Chas will be able to help you concerning any necessary mods. An electric scooter is a good solution, but not as much fun as a C5.

I wish you both the best of luck, regardless of which decision you make.
posted on: 05/12/2014 13:33:23

Simon middlehurst posted:


yes it his left that has the prosthetic leg
posted on: 05/12/2014 15:31:05

Karl posted:

Hi Simon,

to remove the left pedal and crank you need to remove the retaining nut from the crank, then use a crank extractor to pull the crank off. A crank extractor is quite cheap, but any bike shop could do this for you in a couple of minutes. It would also pay to enclose the exposed shaft.

As Ray1 suggested
In case needed I have fitted a single bike pedal toe strap to the left pedal so I can pedal to a degree

One small point, it would also pay to check and see if the motor is supported with a bracket or cable tie. For reference, click on 'RESOURCES' at the top of the page, go to 'Miscellaneous', and there you will find 'Motor Bracket'. Sorry no photo available of the cable ties, but maybe Chas can come up with one.
The reason for this mod is that when the motor has to supply high torque, e.g. when starting, it has a tendency to twist. This twisting can result in the belt slipping, which in due course results in radical wear in the belt and the sprocket.

Sorry this is a bit long winded, but maybe of some help to you.

All the best.

posted on: 05/12/2014 17:04:01

dave posted:

Or maybe chas could make sum of these then we don't need cable ties ?
posted on: 05/12/2014 18:12:10

Area51 posted:

I made one of theses and it works
I can't peddle but I am thinking of a toe strap as Ray1says
This may help me and other disabled people I will give this a go
I think this is a good idea

posted on: 05/12/2014 19:00:33

dave posted:

You can make me two area
posted on: 05/12/2014 19:40:37

Area51 posted:

No problem Dave I will sort it
posted on: 05/12/2014 20:11:25

dave posted:

Cheers mate
posted on: 05/12/2014 20:15:15

Karl posted:

Hi 51,

if it's not too much of a problem, I'd also like a couple of the brackets.

Hi Dave,

tried to insert the pic but couldn't get it to work. Hence the description.
posted on: 05/12/2014 22:32:03


Hi Simon if you are interested I could check out the posability of a throttle control for the c5 .But it would be a 12 volt version to keep it legal
Also I would restore the C5 from top to bottom then fit the throttle control electronics ...
But you will not be able to use the Pod or the Control box but I could fit a amp and a volt meter so you would be able to monitor the power .
Also connect the motor to the cut out just in case it heats up and burns out ...
Any way just a thought ....
Let me know what you think ....
Chas ps where do you live \:d/ \:d/ :-s \:d/ \:d/ \:d/ =d>
posted on: 06/12/2014 15:26:36


Hi here is the tie wrap holding the motor in place

posted on: 06/12/2014 15:31:59


Regarding the metal bracket I do have about 10 but not for sale ,but I will get my mate to have a look and we will see how it goes
Chas \:d/ \:d/ \:d/
posted on: 06/12/2014 15:35:16