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Punterian posted:

Wanting to know whether the main red and black motor leads/wires can be simply unplugged from the motor. I'm not sure what's under the black covering sleeves and don't want to break anything.

Thank you.
posted on: 08/01/2015 11:22:31

Karl posted:

Hi Punterian,

AFAIK the answer is no. They can only be removed as a complete unit from the inside of the casing. I must admit I've never tried it. To remove the motor open up the Control Box and release the leads, a long winded job, but I know of no other way.

[color=red]P.S. You should post your questions in the appropriate section e.g. Projects/HELP WANTED.Otherwise your question can be easily overlooked.[/color]

[color=red]Edit in red. [/color]
posted on: 08/01/2015 19:16:05


Hi just one thing why do you want to take the leads off
Bye Chas
posted on: 08/01/2015 19:25:25

dave posted:

Just undo the control box and unbolt them from there if you want to take the motor out ?
posted on: 08/01/2015 20:24:45

Karl posted:

Hi Dave,

sorry, but I miss the point of your question.:-s :-s
posted on: 08/01/2015 21:45:59

dave posted:

Karl meant why that bushes out if he wants to take motor off
posted on: 10/01/2015 19:46:04

Karl posted:

Hi Dave,

his question was could he remove the leads from the motor. I assumed that the only reason for doing this was to remove the motor, this is why I suggested he should remove the leads from the CB.

All's clear now, clear as muddy water.
posted on: 10/01/2015 20:39:11

Area51 posted:

I am lost
posted on: 10/01/2015 20:47:49

dave posted:

Me too area 71 lol
posted on: 10/01/2015 20:51:29

Area51 posted:

posted on: 10/01/2015 21:09:57