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Carl Gordon posted:

Please be carful bidding on eBay item 301480791864, you are not bidding on the photo provided, if you view photos 2 onwards then that's the c5! Not the one that it shows, abit naughty
No mirrors or indicators
posted on: 16/01/2015 19:47:44

Dan posted:

Thanks for letting us know Carl. That is really bad and it went for £405
posted on: 16/01/2015 20:44:38

Karl posted:

Not very nice concerning the first photo. To begin with it was the only photo, and no mention that this was not his C5. Later he added more photos and he did quote:

Please note that the first photo is generic. the C5 you are bidding on is the last five photos.
posted on: 16/01/2015 22:37:09

mr-c5 posted:

it was in my town and I was actually due to view last weekend but coming home with 2 on the Saturday and then looking at another would have been a 'your living in the garage' move so I let it go. However, I know someone who viewed and said it was in pretty good condition with visually missing bits in the boot just not well advertised. I suppose otherwise it could have probably fetched more.
posted on: 17/01/2015 12:59:01