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Dan posted:

Following on from our Bournemouth seafront ride last week, I've been contacted by the Bournemouth News & Picture Service ( who will be using some of the photos from the day in an article. They wanted to ask us a couple of questions: 1. Does anyone drive their C5's to work on their daily commute? 2. Do you use your C5 for slightly odd reasons - The weekly shop etc? If anyone can post below I'll forward the responses on to the BNPS. I'll post the above on the facebook group page too. Thanks! Dan
posted on: 19/01/2015 19:39:59

dave posted:

I go to the beer off on mine can get 24 tins in the boot lol
posted on: 19/01/2015 20:29:08

Karl posted:

Hi Dan,

you blow my mind.[omg]

Going for weekly shopping is an odd thing

When mine is finished and on the road it'll be used as I've used my bike in the past. Including lumping the dog and RC models around in the trailer.
posted on: 19/01/2015 22:25:56

Ray1 posted:

During warmer weather I use mine for rides out with 11 year old granddaughter plus I go to local shops, post office, library plus best of all a local pub on Friday nights. It is parked outside on the road and turns many heads, included many mobile phone photographs.
posted on: 20/01/2015 14:40:55

Zelandeth posted:

I use mine weather permitting for a decent portion of local runs that are anything up to a few miles away. Basically what I would otherwise use my bike for. Easier to carry stuff in the C5 and a good deal more comfortable.

Other than that is mainly used for leisure purposes, riding out to the many parks around here and enjoying the sun when it appears in the summer. Will be taking it with us to Centre Parcs later in the year too.
posted on: 28/01/2015 10:24:45