Hello everyone!
Some time ago I saw C5 on EEV blog (guy from Australia) and immediately I fell in love
. But finding one proved to be quite difficult especially I was in China at that time. Eventually I've bought one from UK ebay and organized transport to Poland just like for a normal car. It was a logistic nightmare for countless reasons such as time difference (still in China back then), dishonest shipping companies, the company that I've bought C5 from was in the middle of changing their premises and I was not there to receive the shipment in Poland. This whole operation was not cheap at all but in the end I've become most likely the only owner of Sinclair C5 in Poland
(at least I don't know any one else owning one).
Two of my friends are fascinated with electric vehicles and I'm catching up ;-) We all are electronics engineers and these guys have also studied mechanics so some modifications are more than likely
Some time ago I saw C5 on EEV blog (guy from Australia) and immediately I fell in love

Two of my friends are fascinated with electric vehicles and I'm catching up ;-) We all are electronics engineers and these guys have also studied mechanics so some modifications are more than likely

posted on: 04/02/2015 18:51:35