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Ray1 posted:

I see there is currently a C5 on eBay in Scunthorpe, collection only. This is likely to be within 5 miles or so of where I live for my sins. If anyone wants to buy it I am very happy to help, I could collect it and keep it in my garage until convenient for collection or wait for collection by a courier etc. I have no connection with or knowledge of the seller, just happy to help forum members. Email me if you wish.
Happy bidding.
posted on: 13/02/2015 13:29:18

dave posted:

I might want it lol
posted on: 13/02/2015 23:29:59

fiscal posted:

I can not see this on ebay has it gone? was it in working order?

posted on: 15/02/2015 09:12:19

Ray1 posted:

Yes it's still there, item number 171678553611.
posted on: 15/02/2015 11:52:19