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Dan posted:

Whilst not an original or necessary part, if you implement the C5 ULA Mod or C5 Touch as detailed in the projects section, this is a bargain at £5.64 with free P&P:

All that's needed is to solder some header pins on.
posted on: 19/06/2013 16:35:18

dave posted:

now u tell us lol
posted on: 19/06/2013 17:35:53

Dan posted:

now u tell us lol

I wish I knew as well before I bought 4 nanos I may get a bunch more for future projects
posted on: 22/06/2013 07:40:29

dave posted:

More projects ?
posted on: 22/06/2013 11:22:16

Dan posted:

More projects ?

There's always a project to be done Dave, I'm altering my PCB layout for 24V, I reckon I'll need another nano for that.
posted on: 22/06/2013 14:08:59

dave posted:

I'll have. To get 1 ordered too
posted on: 22/06/2013 14:50:56

dave posted:

Are you using the uni 8 with he 24v board?
posted on: 22/06/2013 16:33:25

Dan posted:

Are you using the uni 8 with he 24v board?

Yep I will be. I'll order the magure throttle next month and then get some 24V PCBs ordered and hopefully it'll all work without any software changes.

What will you do with the 12V touch when you have 24V touch? Sell it?
posted on: 22/06/2013 16:47:23

dave posted:

Nope keep it and when the boys in blue pull me up I can say sorry I've come out on the wrong c5 lol and there's only 4 would have no idea how much it would go for but the starting bid would have to be over 100 quid ?
posted on: 22/06/2013 17:45:57

dave posted:

Are you selling 1 on ebay ?
posted on: 23/06/2013 14:08:53