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sky4055 posted:

Collecting computers 80, a passion that began there more than 30 years. Since 1985, I started to keep all the machines I bought.

In 1982 I got my first computer, it was a ZX 81, followed by a ZX Spectrum and QL.

In the early nineties, I decided to focus my collection of computers to the Sinclair brand. I also expanded the collection to calculators and other gadgets invented by Clive Sinclair, who, for me, is the basis of many inventions still used today.

and from today I am the proud owner of a Sinclair C5 !

The address of my blog dedicated to Sinclair:
posted on: 21/02/2015 21:03:12

rusala posted:

Nice collection you've got there :-)
posted on: 21/02/2015 22:09:54


Hi there great collection ...Regarding the C5 if you want any help just ask .You could also check out my videos on YouTube that may help you


BYE chas
posted on: 21/02/2015 22:31:04

Karl posted:

Hi sky,

welcome to the forum, and long live the C5.

I suppose if you are an out and out Sinclair fanatic, then you gotta have a C5.


posted on: 21/02/2015 22:44:59