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blastfromthepast posted:

The front of my body is a little warped, I.e the pod sits at a mild angle. I guess something has been resting on it for a period of time. Has anyone ever tried to straighten the body?
posted on: 08/03/2015 20:30:26

Karl posted:

Hi Gary,

with the weather being as it is at moment, the only suggestion I can make is as follows.

You need a couple of buckets of boiling hot water and one of cold, plus some means of clamping the body.

Clamp the body to the position that you want, then heat up the water. Pour the hot water slowly over the shield, then cool it off with the cold water.

Or you can wait for a nice hot summers day, clamp the body and put out in the sun to cook. After the body is very hot cool it off with cold water, then remove the clamp.

Av Phun.
posted on: 08/03/2015 23:04:23

blastfromthepast posted:

Hi Gary,

with the weather being as it is at moment, the only suggestion I can make is as follows.

You need a couple of buckets of boiling hot water and one of cold, plus some means of clamping the body.

Clamp the body to the position that you want, then heat up the water. Pour the hot water slowly over the shield, then cool it off with the cold water.

Or you can wait for a nice hot summers day, clamp the body and put out in the sun to cook. After the body is very hot cool it off with cold water, then remove the clamp.

Av Phun.

thanks I'll give it a go.

do you think i should clamp it bent further than it needs to (assuming it will spring back a little) ?
posted on: 08/03/2015 23:18:39

Karl posted:

Hi Gary,

in the words of the almighty "suck it and see".

I must admit he didn't contact me, he told a friend of mine.
posted on: 09/03/2015 00:49:47

Ray1 posted:

Like others I had this problem with one C5 and found bracing it with a piece of wood cut to length beyond where you finally want it worked for me.
posted on: 09/03/2015 12:55:43

blastfromthepast posted:

@Ray1, thanks. And you used boiling hot from the kettle water?
posted on: 09/03/2015 13:46:59

Karl posted:

Hi Gary,

Ray's solution works well, just it takes a bit longer. What I recommended is a quick solution.
posted on: 09/03/2015 13:59:09

blastfromthepast posted:

Finally got it, thanks. Been a long day already
Option 1 brace and leave
Option 2 brace and heat with water

Thanks all
posted on: 09/03/2015 14:08:05