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Karl posted:

Hi Dan.

I've run into a problem. I moved a PM from the Inbox to the Archive, but the PM, even though the Inbox reports 1 PM in Archive, has vanished.

Here are the conflicting reports:

Private Messages
No messages were found.
You have 2 private messages: 0 in Inbox and 1 in Outbox, [h]1 In Archive[/h] from a total of 10000 allowed. Your mail box is filled to 0.02%.

Sent Items
You have 2 private messages: 1 in Inbox [h](?)[/h] and 1 in Outbox, [h]0 In Archive[/h] from a total of 10000 allowed. Your mail box is filled to 0.02%.

[h]No messages were found.[/h]
You have 2 private messages: 1 in Inbox [h](?)[/h] and 1 in Outbox, [h]0 In Archive[/h] from a total of 10000 allowed. Your mail box is filled to 0.02%.
posted on: 18/03/2015 10:05:03