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Carl Gordon posted:

Hi, can anyone tell me where to get a integrated circuit from for my pod?
posted on: 26/06/2013 18:47:53

Dan posted:

Hi, can anyone tell me where to get a integrated circuit from for my pod?

Hi Carl,

You'll be hard pressed to find anyone selling one of these. Mainly due to the fact this is the number 1 component that breaks in the POD and there are plenty of broken PODs out there

I did manage to create a substitute adapter that uses an arduino and allows you to see the C5 voltage and motor temperature which can be installed where the IC socket is without any modification to the POD or C5.

If you're interested there's more information about it here.

Failing that, buying a POD of ebay is the only other option unless some kind person out there will sell you just the chip?
posted on: 26/06/2013 19:07:02

Carl Gordon posted:

Hi Dan, that's brilliant what you have done, how much are these?
posted on: 26/06/2013 19:14:00

dave posted:

I don't no if dan as got any left mate ?
posted on: 26/06/2013 19:23:33

Dan posted:

Hi Dan, that's brilliant what you have done, how much are these?

Hi Carl,

I've just sent you a PM.

I don't no if dan as got any left mate ?

Hi Dave,

I have a couple left that I plan to use on future C5's and any forum members who need them, but I won't be putting any more on ebay.
posted on: 26/06/2013 19:32:53

dave posted:

I sent you a message ? Dan
posted on: 26/06/2013 19:47:29

dave posted:

Have you tried cleaning the pins on back off the pod and the red wire ? Is the 5 working now ?
posted on: 27/06/2013 07:16:02

Carl Gordon posted:

Hi Dave, everything has been cleaned and it working now, thankfully, just the pod lights don't work anymore!
posted on: 27/06/2013 10:24:40

dave posted:

Play with the red wire and dans chip mod is good got 2 myself
posted on: 27/06/2013 11:01:15