For anyone who wants to BETA test the nylon 3D printed gearbox cogs, they can be ordered directly from Shapeways (based in The Netherlands) for €4.95 each:…/RE3TY4FAQ/sinclair-c5-small-cog.
Shapeways will print the cog in strong nylon plastic using industrial quality (laser sintering) 3D printers. I have a set in my gearbox and they work great and are very strong.
Myself/ is not making any money out of these, the cost above is for Shapeways to print them.
I'll be putting a couple of sets on the forum in the coming weeks FOC for members to test as well.
Remember, this is a BETA test, so any feedback good or bad please post here or on the forum.
posted on: 07/05/2015 19:27:04