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Dan posted:

I haven't had a C5 project for a while so will try to restore a C5 we picked up yesterday. The C5 has never been used apparently and is a late October 1985 model. Hopefully it will come out looking alright: First up is a good clean and will try and get the front back into shape
posted on: 02/08/2015 10:52:56

leylandmonster posted:

Good Luck Dan! I'm looking after/restoring 4 of em with my other half. Will be interesting to see how you bend that front back
posted on: 02/08/2015 11:35:50

Karl posted:

Hi Dan,

good buy/find. You shouldn't have much of a problem seeig as it wasn't on the road, maybe sticking brushes, but mine worked OK from the start after the best part of 30 years.

Av phun.

posted on: 02/08/2015 14:50:07

Dan posted:

Hi Leylandmonster, I used some pieces of wood to help force the plastic back into shape. A couple of weeks like that should be good enough.
posted on: 02/08/2015 20:34:00

Dan posted:

Thanks Karl, yeah it does look like it was never used so hopefully there won't be any issues. We shall see
posted on: 02/08/2015 20:34:51

Dan posted:

Have cleaned it a bit. Just need to get hold of some rust cure and paint for the chassis then we'll take it fully apart. A couple of slight negatives about this C5, the red light has a large chip on the top of it, the front of the shell has a couple of deep scratches, and its missing its front wheel cover.
posted on: 02/08/2015 20:39:06