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PhasMan posted:

Hi all

There are a few things I wish to do in time such as;
Double battery power - either 2 x 12v or a 24v
Possibly upgrade to a more powerful motor or double uo motors to get a 2x3 beast lol
But the main thing would be a lead that connects my battery to a charging point in carparks and park & ride spaces.
Is this possible?

posted on: 08/08/2015 10:15:42

Karl posted:

Seeing that charging points are equipped with standard three pin (household) power sockets, all you need to do is plug your charger in.

But, you will need access to the power, e.g. access card, PIN number, etc. This will depend on the provuder.
posted on: 08/08/2015 16:48:31

PhasMan posted:

Thanks Karl.
I'll check out the ones at my local P&R.
I guess I could keep a charger in the back box and run leads from the battery to the box internally so it's all kept concealed.
Something to look into.
posted on: 08/08/2015 17:57:13