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PhasMan posted:

My C5 arrives in a week or two ad I expect I will need to charge the battery to test it.
As I do not own a charger, what are the considerations in buying one?
Would a basic 12v car battery charger do fine?


posted on: 10/08/2015 14:00:25

Karl posted:

Well it would be of some help if we knew what type of battery is fitted. If it's a car or leisure battery then a normal 12v car charger is all you need.

There are other types of chargers for other types of batterie, and it's important that you use the correct type of charger.
posted on: 10/08/2015 14:21:58

PhasMan posted:

Thanks - I'll update when I know. Cheers
posted on: 10/08/2015 15:00:21