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mrcolobus posted:

We (wife and I) took a year out, travelled, thought about our lives, both doing new stuff now and one of things I decided I want to do is restore a C5.

My first computer was a ZX Spectrum (16k, upgraded to 48k later, obviously) and when Sinclair introduced the C5 to the world I knew I needed one Unfortunately I failed to get this message over to my parents

So earlier this year whilst drunkenly explaining the C5 to a Japanese person in a bar in Tokyo I remembered that I still needed one!

The only concern I have is my height. I'm 6'7" and slightly concerned that I may struggle to fit in a C5.

Also I've never done anything like this in my life so looking forward to the challenge of restoring, and fitting in, a C5.

posted on: 11/09/2015 18:17:21

Dan posted:

Hi and Welcome! If you need any help restoring your C5 just let us know, theres plenty of people who can help.
posted on: 11/09/2015 18:46:21

dadandjames posted:

Welcome to the fun and frustration ahead of you
posted on: 11/09/2015 19:01:59

mrcolobus posted:

Thanks! Looking forward to it and have some interesting ideas planned.

As mentioned above if anyone does have any info on 'legroom' I'd be grateful!

Best start looking for one to buy now....
posted on: 13/09/2015 17:20:42

Karl posted:


welcone to the forum. Hope you manage to find the help you need, that is when you need it.

At the moment the only help I can offer for your first problem is a shoehorn. :-"


posted on: 13/09/2015 18:21:14