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ad.328isport posted:

Hi All ,Thought I'd introduce myself , I'm Adam and to cut a long story short having been interested in C5's for a long time but never owned one I've now found myself in possession of 10 all in different states of repair . My intention is to get them all up and running (eventually)

Cheers Ad
posted on: 15/07/2013 20:34:40

Dan posted:

Hi and welcome to the forum

Can I just ask, how the heck did you come about 10 of them??

Going from your photos, most of them look pretty much complete, would you mind me using one of your pics on our gallery page? It certainly is a sight, that many of them together

Anyway, feel free to post your progress with this (huge) restoration project and if you need any help with repairing them, let us know!
posted on: 15/07/2013 20:48:20

dave posted:

10 ? I have trouble having 3 wots the paper for above the front light ?
posted on: 15/07/2013 21:11:40

ad.328isport posted:

Of course mate use any of the pics you want no problem, I think I'm going to need plenty of advice on this project to be honest, each one seems to have problems that need sorting. I've ended up with 10 basically because I'm a vocational manager and run a rehab placement for guy's with acquired brain injury, we wanted a project for the guy's to work on that they can ultimately enjoy the results of regardless of any disabilities etc. and the C5's seemed to be the perfect choice and our director who purchased them for us is a top bloke and certainly doesn't do things by halves, initially we where going to get two or three but some how ended up at ten!. We've started on the two roughest ones just to get an idea of the worst of what we'll encounter. One observation of the 1st two is we have had to weld and reinforce the chassis around the rear axel areas
posted on: 15/07/2013 21:12:04

ad.328isport posted:

10 I know we must be mad! The papers are the to do list on each c5
posted on: 15/07/2013 21:14:42

dave posted:

Where r you at a member might be close ? To give a hand
posted on: 15/07/2013 21:18:33

ad.328isport posted:

I'm near St.Helens Merseyside
posted on: 15/07/2013 21:20:08

dave posted:

Hey I'm not the only 1 with a black c5 like the one top left with indicators on
posted on: 15/07/2013 21:21:37

dave posted:

I'm from wigan but live in hull marra. Might be help full he's in blackpool or lancealot he's manchester ?
posted on: 15/07/2013 21:24:39

ad.328isport posted:

Cheers for the heads up guys,any help would be appreciated, the top left one seems to have a few extras, indicators front and rear, mirrors, full seat pad, horn, mudflaps and rear reflector (not fitted in the pic)
posted on: 15/07/2013 21:35:56

derek.maguire.100 posted:

What an imaginative project ..well done.........
posted on: 28/07/2013 15:19:33