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ad.328isport posted:

Hi Guys , Finally finished #1 of 10 today .
*chassis blasted and painted
*replacement motor
*new wheel bearings
*New battery
*New decals
*Seat Pad
*Fan fitted to motor for cooling
*Key Ignition fitted
*High vis mast fitted
*new tyres
*new brakes
*Led front light
*Mirrors fitted
*Mud flaps fitted

posted on: 18/07/2013 19:51:05

Dan posted:

Very nicely done! It's always good to see a C5 with all the accessories on it

Finally finished #1 of 10 today

You've got a lot of work ahead of you. Are you going to be restoring them all as regular 12V C5s? Or are you going to dabble with 24V, maybe for ones where the control box/pod isn't working?

Keep up the good work, it's always great to see them being brought back to life
posted on: 18/07/2013 20:28:55

ad.328isport posted:

Yeah 24v for sure dan , I think i'm maybe going to get 4 out of the 10 running standard but the rest I think maybe 24v will be the way to go . Cheers for the advice yesterday really helped in getting this on up and running
posted on: 18/07/2013 20:34:09

dave posted:

Looks nice bud that was quick what are you planning to do with them when they are done ? Buy more ?
posted on: 18/07/2013 22:58:04