Sinclair C5duino LED Grid Display

This is a fun little screen that I decided to build whilst testing my other screens. It uses an 8x8 grid of RGB LED's running from an Arduino Uno and makes use of LED shield.
The display can show the following information:
- Battery Voltage Level (Top row)
- Left & Right Indicator status
- Motor Temperature (3rd Vertical column)
- Ambient Temperature (4th Vertical column)
- Motor Current (5th Vertical column)
- Speed (6th Vertical column)
This project requires the C5 to be running from the Arduino based Sinclair C5 Control Box (C5duino).
Component List
To build it you must expose VIN, GND, TX, RX on the Arduino Uno to allow a connection to be made to the C5duino box at the back of the Sinclair C5.
- Arduino Uno (x1)
- Arduino RGB LED Matrix driver shield (x1)
- 8 x 8 RGB Full Colour 5mm LED Matrix (x1)
- Suitably sized Project Box 130mm x 70mm x 45mm (x1)
The Arduino Uno
The wiring of the connector must match the connector on the C5duino circuit board, except TX & RX must be reversed. So TX on the Arduino Uno must be connected to RX on the C5duino board and RX (On Arduino Uno) must be connected to TX on the C5duino.
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