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dadandjames posted:

My lad wanted to keep as much orginal as possible. So...
posted on: 02/11/2013 18:25:02

dadandjames posted:

Then ....

posted on: 02/11/2013 18:28:37

dadandjames posted:

And then...
Still the wiring to do
posted on: 02/11/2013 18:30:19

rekooh99 posted:

Nice job!! looks much better than on top of the battery.Well done James(though being a Dad I bet I know who did all the work)
posted on: 02/11/2013 20:31:56

C5mick posted:

I try to get my lad involved, just to keep him off his x-box.
He comes up with some good idea's, but then it's dads time to put the finishing touches to
posted on: 02/11/2013 23:43:13

Dan posted:

Great idea  I've always preferred to have the main switch right in front of you and visible rather than hidden away in the footwell.
posted on: 03/11/2013 17:13:08

dave posted:

Not a fan of the keyswitch gets in the way of chass wiring kit bracket
posted on: 03/11/2013 17:31:21

C5mick posted:

It would be nice to incorporate a key switch into Chas's wiring kit. But perhaps just a small switch.
posted on: 03/11/2013 19:34:43


Hi Dave just wondering about the wiring kit is it the type that has two switchers fitted in it as one piece or two seperate switchers in it .

posted on: 03/11/2013 19:45:43

dave posted:

Chas its the 1 with 2 on top of each other
posted on: 03/11/2013 19:48:25

dadandjames posted:

We are doing this so we dont have to move the battery to charge it. I am going to fix up my new charger to the charging block if I can. I am a bit slow with finishing things so it may be a few weeks but will let you know if it works. I just wish he would have had the idea before I cut the wires so short!
One of the reasons for puchasing a c5 was to give my lad an opportunity to experiment with mechanics and electronics, and to build his problem solving skills, as well of course as indulging myself in a childhood dream.
posted on: 04/11/2013 10:58:11


Hi there Dave if it's the older type .I can send you the new type that has a green and red switch and fits in one hole ...
Posting it now bye Chas
posted on: 04/11/2013 12:37:21

dave posted:

Cheers chas your a star
posted on: 04/11/2013 22:55:13