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rs20004wd posted:

I have a powder coated chassis for sale which I bought as a job lot recently. The trouble is, on reassembly of the axle as part of the rebuild, the axle didn't spin as freely as it should. The two spare axles I tried afterwards to eliminate the problem were both fine. Both sets of location holes for mounting the axle measure the same distance apart and don't appear to have one leg higher than the other. But on closer inspection, it appears that at some point on a previous reassembly that the bolts may have been over tightened and slightly kinked the metal legs. If someone needs a chassis for a 'project' or maybe using a metal plate conversion to mount extra's onto, this may straighten the chassis to make it useable once more. The colour and finish are both excellent. The other fixture points and bracket threads are all unaffected. If anyone is interested in making an offer to buy it, please PM me, thanks.
posted on: 20/04/2014 14:12:38