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derekw posted:

Hi everyone. Bear with this long description, I have just wired a C5 with no pod or control box, with one of Chas's wiring kits. No problems with double switch, motor works as usual with micro switch, and lights work with the other switch. but when I wanted to wire in battery voltage meter, I can wire it to the light switch but then will only work when lights are switched on and voltage obviously drops because lights are on.(not Ideal)
then if I wire to a separate switch it seems that when the switch is switched on the motor kicks in, which is strange because it is wired totally separate. I am now scratching head, So if anyone has any Ideas please help!!
posted on: 07/07/2014 16:32:45

Area51 posted:

Hi there you could wire the volt meter to the power on switch

Wire the negative of the volt meter straight to the negative of the battery and the positive
Across the power on switch and back to the positive of the battery
posted on: 07/07/2014 17:34:48

derekw posted:

Hi thanks for reply, I have the negative connected to negative on battery, the positive if connected to middle connection on power switch does nothing, and the end connector on power switch is empty, the other end is negative. this doesn't work. do I need to use to empty connector on the power switch.
posted on: 07/07/2014 18:27:51

Area51 posted:

Hi there if you have an ohm meter you could
Use this to find the on off of the switch there will be one

All you need to do is use the switch to break the positive
Wire you need to take the positive to one side of the switch and another wire from the other side of the
Switch back to the positive of the battery

posted on: 07/07/2014 18:50:46