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C5mick posted:

I am looking to purchase any non working control boxes or part control boxes.

Email me [email protected]

posted on: 31/01/2015 15:00:50

Karl posted:

Hi Mick,

I would have thought you'd had a belly full of CBs. Or are you suffering from addiction?
posted on: 31/01/2015 15:32:00

C5mick posted:

It's an addiction for non working control boxes, lol

I only want non working control boxes
posted on: 31/01/2015 16:59:38

C5mick posted:

I would like to nominate Karl for. A+++++ helper medal for his help,
posted on: 31/01/2015 17:03:13

Dan posted:

[quote=C5mick;5003]I would like to nominate Karl for. A+++++ helper medal for his help,[/quote] It is done, thanks Karl!
posted on: 01/02/2015 08:53:02

Karl posted:

Hi, thanks Mick and Dan.

Glad to be of some assistance.
posted on: 01/02/2015 09:40:58

C5mick posted:

Hi Karl
I have noticed you helping loads of people with your knowledge, a must for any club.
posted on: 08/02/2015 00:03:27

Karl posted:

Hi Mick,

If I can help anyone, I do so. It's no great sweat on my side as I'm retired. Plus it's a poor world when everyone sticks to themselves.

But, as the title to my introduction goes, I'm "Oldie, Moldy And A Brain Picker". You take into consideration that I have also received lot's of help from Chas and David (davidmpye), concerning problems that I could have sorted out myself if I had the time to sit down, study, and experiment. But, at almost 74, time is not on my side.

I am more than grateful for the assistance I have received, as it has saved me a vast amount of time and aggravation.

I also notice that you are amongst those that help others, not only that but are helping to keep C5s on the road and not stripping them down to make a quick penny. Keep up the good work 'me old fruit'.
posted on: 08/02/2015 12:57:03

C5mick posted:

Hi Karl
There is money in stripping them down, but I do this as a hobby. A few I have rebuilt have been done at a loss, but others have paid for the loss. I get more out of returning them to the road than putting an extra slice of bread on the table, lol.
It was a challenge to return 7 control boxes to life and I am looking for some more non workers to do the same, not sure what I am going to do with them after they are up and running.
I have now bought loads of components, I now have every component on the board, so I think my next step maybe to cost the actual boards up and see if I am able to solder all the components back in and end up with a working control box.
I think Chas, Marty and yourself have helped no end and speeded this up for me.
Many thanks
posted on: 08/02/2015 14:20:03

Karl posted:

Hi Mick,
It was a challenge to return 7 control boxes to life and I am looking for some more non workers to do the same, not sure what I am going to do with them after they are up and running.
I can't see where the problem is, the solution is simple, buy 7 defunk C5s.
posted on: 08/02/2015 17:36:48

C5mick posted:

Hi Karl
I have 4 complete rebuilds on the go that have no electrics what so ever. I may keep these till my retirement
posted on: 08/02/2015 18:40:41

C5mick posted:

And still looking
posted on: 14/02/2015 12:08:38