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reality404 posted:


My Gearbox Outer Housing has a couple of teeth cracked and I need a replacement.

[img=]Gearbox Outer Housing cracked teeth.[/img]

Does anyone have a replacement I could buy or know where I could buy one?

posted on: 13/05/2015 13:36:05

Area51 posted:

Hi there i would try eBay they do come up for sale
Just need to check it daily

posted on: 14/05/2015 18:52:44

reality404 posted:

Thanks Area51.
I found one that had just been listed on eBay and bought it. Will post if it works/doesn't when I get it.
posted on: 14/05/2015 19:13:55

Area51 posted:

Ok that's good news eBay is always a good bet
posted on: 14/05/2015 19:27:49

Dan posted:

In your picture, it looks like the bearings have snapped off the motor and are stuck in the centre of your alloy cog?
posted on: 14/05/2015 20:07:23

reality404 posted:

Thanks Dan. I just ran to the garage it looks like you are right it's snapped off.. Not sure what to do about it yet. Need to take a proper look at it tomorrow and google.
posted on: 14/05/2015 23:14:06